needy girl overdose, also known as needy streamer overload in overseas localizations, is an absolutely wild, psychedelic-filled streamer-raising game. released in 2022, this denpa-themed game revolves around your month-long adventure with your girlfriend, ame-chan. your goal is to help her become the world's top streamer! sounds fun, doesn't it?
ame's stream persona goes by OMGkawaiiAngel, or KAngel for short. she presents herself as a cheery, pure-hearted internet angel who seeks to give solace to all of the otaku on the internet. of course, ame herself isn't like this; she struggles with manic highs, depressive lows, and heavily addictive habits. on top of that, she can be selfish, irresponsible, and uncaring about most things. her struggles with mental health make up many interactions within the game, and is evident in several mechanics and endings.
for me, this game has a realistic (well. as realistic as a game can get) depiction of the chaos that is the internet, particularly with the rise of social media.